
1use core::{
2    cell::{Ref, RefCell},
3    cmp::min,
4    fmt,
5    ops::{Deref, Range},
7use primitives::{hex, B256, U256};
8use std::{rc::Rc, vec::Vec};
10use super::MemoryTr;
12/// A sequential memory shared between calls, which uses
13/// a `Vec` for internal representation.
14/// A [SharedMemory] instance should always be obtained using
15/// the `new` static method to ensure memory safety.
16#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
17#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
18pub struct SharedMemory {
19    /// The underlying buffer.
20    buffer: Vec<u8>,
21    /// Memory checkpoints for each depth.
22    /// Invariant: these are always in bounds of `data`.
23    checkpoints: Vec<usize>,
24    /// Invariant: equals `self.checkpoints.last()`
25    last_checkpoint: usize,
26    /// Memory limit. See [`Cfg`](context_interface::Cfg).
27    #[cfg(feature = "memory_limit")]
28    memory_limit: u64,
31/// Empty shared memory.
33/// Used as placeholder inside Interpreter when it is not running.
34pub const EMPTY_SHARED_MEMORY: SharedMemory = SharedMemory {
35    buffer: Vec::new(),
36    checkpoints: Vec::new(),
37    last_checkpoint: 0,
38    #[cfg(feature = "memory_limit")]
39    memory_limit: u64::MAX,
42impl fmt::Debug for SharedMemory {
43    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
44        f.debug_struct("SharedMemory")
45            .field("current_len", &self.len())
46            .field("context_memory", &hex::encode(self.context_memory()))
47            .finish_non_exhaustive()
48    }
51impl Default for SharedMemory {
52    #[inline]
53    fn default() -> Self {
54        Self::new()
55    }
58pub trait MemoryGetter {
59    fn memory_mut(&mut self) -> &mut SharedMemory;
60    fn memory(&self) -> &SharedMemory;
63impl MemoryGetter for SharedMemory {
64    #[inline]
65    fn memory_mut(&mut self) -> &mut SharedMemory {
66        self
67    }
69    #[inline]
70    fn memory(&self) -> &SharedMemory {
71        self
72    }
75impl<T: MemoryGetter> MemoryTr for Rc<RefCell<T>> {
76    fn set_data(&mut self, memory_offset: usize, data_offset: usize, len: usize, data: &[u8]) {
77        self.borrow_mut()
78            .memory_mut()
79            .set_data(memory_offset, data_offset, len, data);
80    }
82    fn set(&mut self, memory_offset: usize, data: &[u8]) {
83        self.borrow_mut().memory_mut().set(memory_offset, data);
84    }
86    fn size(&self) -> usize {
87        self.borrow().memory().len()
88    }
90    fn copy(&mut self, destination: usize, source: usize, len: usize) {
91        self.borrow_mut()
92            .memory_mut()
93            .copy(destination, source, len);
94    }
96    fn slice(&self, range: Range<usize>) -> impl Deref<Target = [u8]> + '_ {
97        Ref::map(self.borrow(), |i| i.memory().slice_range(range))
98    }
100    fn resize(&mut self, new_size: usize) -> bool {
101        self.borrow_mut().memory_mut().resize(new_size);
102        true
103    }
106impl SharedMemory {
107    /// Creates a new memory instance that can be shared between calls.
108    ///
109    /// The default initial capacity is 4KiB.
110    #[inline]
111    pub fn new() -> Self {
112        Self::with_capacity(4 * 1024) // from evmone
113    }
115    /// Creates a new memory instance that can be shared between calls with the given `capacity`.
116    #[inline]
117    pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Self {
118        Self {
119            buffer: Vec::with_capacity(capacity),
120            checkpoints: Vec::with_capacity(32),
121            last_checkpoint: 0,
122            #[cfg(feature = "memory_limit")]
123            memory_limit: u64::MAX,
124        }
125    }
127    /// Creates a new memory instance that can be shared between calls,
128    /// with `memory_limit` as upper bound for allocation size.
129    ///
130    /// The default initial capacity is 4KiB.
131    #[cfg(feature = "memory_limit")]
132    #[inline]
133    pub fn new_with_memory_limit(memory_limit: u64) -> Self {
134        Self {
135            memory_limit,
136            ..Self::new()
137        }
138    }
140    /// Returns `true` if the `new_size` for the current context memory will
141    /// make the shared buffer length exceed the `memory_limit`.
142    #[cfg(feature = "memory_limit")]
143    #[inline]
144    pub fn limit_reached(&self, new_size: usize) -> bool {
145        self.last_checkpoint.saturating_add(new_size) as u64 > self.memory_limit
146    }
148    /// Prepares the shared memory for a new context.
149    #[inline]
150    pub fn new_context(&mut self) {
151        let new_checkpoint = self.buffer.len();
152        self.checkpoints.push(new_checkpoint);
153        self.last_checkpoint = new_checkpoint;
154    }
156    /// Prepares the shared memory for returning to the previous context.
157    #[inline]
158    pub fn free_context(&mut self) {
159        if let Some(old_checkpoint) = self.checkpoints.pop() {
160            self.last_checkpoint = self.checkpoints.last().cloned().unwrap_or_default();
161            // SAFETY: `buffer` length is less than or equal `old_checkpoint`
162            unsafe { self.buffer.set_len(old_checkpoint) };
163        }
164    }
166    /// Returns the length of the current memory range.
167    #[inline]
168    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
169        self.buffer.len() - self.last_checkpoint
170    }
172    /// Returns `true` if the current memory range is empty.
173    #[inline]
174    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
175        self.len() == 0
176    }
178    /// Resizes the memory in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`.
179    #[inline]
180    pub fn resize(&mut self, new_size: usize) {
181        self.buffer.resize(self.last_checkpoint + new_size, 0);
182    }
184    /// Returns a byte slice of the memory region at the given offset.
185    ///
186    /// # Panics
187    ///
188    /// Panics on out of bounds.
189    #[inline]
190    #[cfg_attr(debug_assertions, track_caller)]
191    pub fn slice_len(&self, offset: usize, size: usize) -> &[u8] {
192        self.slice_range(offset..offset + size)
193    }
195    /// Returns a byte slice of the memory region at the given offset.
196    ///
197    /// # Panics
198    ///
199    /// Panics on out of bounds.
200    #[inline]
201    #[cfg_attr(debug_assertions, track_caller)]
202    pub fn slice_range(&self, range @ Range { start, end }: Range<usize>) -> &[u8] {
203        match self.context_memory().get(range) {
204            Some(slice) => slice,
205            None => debug_unreachable!("slice OOB: {start}..{end}; len: {}", self.len()),
206        }
207    }
209    /// Returns a byte slice of the memory region at the given offset.
210    ///
211    /// # Panics
212    ///
213    /// Panics on out of bounds.
214    #[inline]
215    #[cfg_attr(debug_assertions, track_caller)]
216    pub fn slice_mut(&mut self, offset: usize, size: usize) -> &mut [u8] {
217        let end = offset + size;
218        match self.context_memory_mut().get_mut(offset..end) {
219            Some(slice) => slice,
220            None => debug_unreachable!("slice OOB: {offset}..{end}"),
221        }
222    }
224    /// Returns the byte at the given offset.
225    ///
226    /// # Panics
227    ///
228    /// Panics on out of bounds.
229    #[inline]
230    pub fn get_byte(&self, offset: usize) -> u8 {
231        self.slice_len(offset, 1)[0]
232    }
234    /// Returns a 32-byte slice of the memory region at the given offset.
235    ///
236    /// # Panics
237    ///
238    /// Panics on out of bounds.
239    #[inline]
240    pub fn get_word(&self, offset: usize) -> B256 {
241        self.slice_len(offset, 32).try_into().unwrap()
242    }
244    /// Returns a U256 of the memory region at the given offset.
245    ///
246    /// # Panics
247    ///
248    /// Panics on out of bounds.
249    #[inline]
250    pub fn get_u256(&self, offset: usize) -> U256 {
251        self.get_word(offset).into()
252    }
254    /// Sets the `byte` at the given `index`.
255    ///
256    /// # Panics
257    ///
258    /// Panics on out of bounds.
259    #[inline]
260    #[cfg_attr(debug_assertions, track_caller)]
261    pub fn set_byte(&mut self, offset: usize, byte: u8) {
262        self.set(offset, &[byte]);
263    }
265    /// Sets the given 32-byte `value` to the memory region at the given `offset`.
266    ///
267    /// # Panics
268    ///
269    /// Panics on out of bounds.
270    #[inline]
271    #[cfg_attr(debug_assertions, track_caller)]
272    pub fn set_word(&mut self, offset: usize, value: &B256) {
273        self.set(offset, &value[..]);
274    }
276    /// Sets the given U256 `value` to the memory region at the given `offset`.
277    ///
278    /// # Panics
279    ///
280    /// Panics on out of bounds.
281    #[inline]
282    #[cfg_attr(debug_assertions, track_caller)]
283    pub fn set_u256(&mut self, offset: usize, value: U256) {
284        self.set(offset, &value.to_be_bytes::<32>());
285    }
287    /// Set memory region at given `offset`.
288    ///
289    /// # Panics
290    ///
291    /// Panics on out of bounds.
292    #[inline]
293    #[cfg_attr(debug_assertions, track_caller)]
294    pub fn set(&mut self, offset: usize, value: &[u8]) {
295        if !value.is_empty() {
296            self.slice_mut(offset, value.len()).copy_from_slice(value);
297        }
298    }
300    /// Set memory from data. Our memory offset+len is expected to be correct but we
301    /// are doing bound checks on data/data_offeset/len and zeroing parts that is not copied.
302    ///
303    /// # Panics
304    ///
305    /// Panics if memory is out of bounds.
306    #[inline]
307    #[cfg_attr(debug_assertions, track_caller)]
308    pub fn set_data(&mut self, memory_offset: usize, data_offset: usize, len: usize, data: &[u8]) {
309        if data_offset >= data.len() {
310            // Nullify all memory slots
311            self.slice_mut(memory_offset, len).fill(0);
312            return;
313        }
314        let data_end = min(data_offset + len, data.len());
315        let data_len = data_end - data_offset;
316        debug_assert!(data_offset < data.len() && data_end <= data.len());
317        let data = unsafe { data.get_unchecked(data_offset..data_end) };
318        self.slice_mut(memory_offset, data_len)
319            .copy_from_slice(data);
321        // Nullify rest of memory slots
322        // SAFETY: Memory is assumed to be valid, and it is commented where this assumption is made.
323        self.slice_mut(memory_offset + data_len, len - data_len)
324            .fill(0);
325    }
327    /// Copies elements from one part of the memory to another part of itself.
328    ///
329    /// # Panics
330    ///
331    /// Panics on out of bounds.
332    #[inline]
333    #[cfg_attr(debug_assertions, track_caller)]
334    pub fn copy(&mut self, dst: usize, src: usize, len: usize) {
335        self.context_memory_mut().copy_within(src..src + len, dst);
336    }
338    /// Returns a reference to the memory of the current context, the active memory.
339    #[inline]
340    pub fn context_memory(&self) -> &[u8] {
341        // SAFETY: Access bounded by buffer length
342        unsafe {
343            self.buffer
344                .get_unchecked(self.last_checkpoint..self.buffer.len())
345        }
346    }
348    /// Returns a mutable reference to the memory of the current context.
349    #[inline]
350    pub fn context_memory_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
351        let buf_len = self.buffer.len();
352        // SAFETY: Access bounded by buffer length
353        unsafe { self.buffer.get_unchecked_mut(self.last_checkpoint..buf_len) }
354    }
357/// Returns number of words what would fit to provided number of bytes,
358/// i.e. it rounds up the number bytes to number of words.
360pub const fn num_words(len: usize) -> usize {
361    len.saturating_add(31) / 32
365mod tests {
366    use super::*;
368    #[test]
369    fn test_num_words() {
370        assert_eq!(num_words(0), 0);
371        assert_eq!(num_words(1), 1);
372        assert_eq!(num_words(31), 1);
373        assert_eq!(num_words(32), 1);
374        assert_eq!(num_words(33), 2);
375        assert_eq!(num_words(63), 2);
376        assert_eq!(num_words(64), 2);
377        assert_eq!(num_words(65), 3);
378        assert_eq!(num_words(usize::MAX), usize::MAX / 32);
379    }
381    #[test]
382    fn new_free_context() {
383        let mut shared_memory = SharedMemory::new();
384        shared_memory.new_context();
386        assert_eq!(shared_memory.buffer.len(), 0);
387        assert_eq!(shared_memory.checkpoints.len(), 1);
388        assert_eq!(shared_memory.last_checkpoint, 0);
390        unsafe { shared_memory.buffer.set_len(32) };
391        assert_eq!(shared_memory.len(), 32);
392        shared_memory.new_context();
394        assert_eq!(shared_memory.buffer.len(), 32);
395        assert_eq!(shared_memory.checkpoints.len(), 2);
396        assert_eq!(shared_memory.last_checkpoint, 32);
397        assert_eq!(shared_memory.len(), 0);
399        unsafe { shared_memory.buffer.set_len(96) };
400        assert_eq!(shared_memory.len(), 64);
401        shared_memory.new_context();
403        assert_eq!(shared_memory.buffer.len(), 96);
404        assert_eq!(shared_memory.checkpoints.len(), 3);
405        assert_eq!(shared_memory.last_checkpoint, 96);
406        assert_eq!(shared_memory.len(), 0);
408        // Free contexts
409        shared_memory.free_context();
410        assert_eq!(shared_memory.buffer.len(), 96);
411        assert_eq!(shared_memory.checkpoints.len(), 2);
412        assert_eq!(shared_memory.last_checkpoint, 32);
413        assert_eq!(shared_memory.len(), 64);
415        shared_memory.free_context();
416        assert_eq!(shared_memory.buffer.len(), 32);
417        assert_eq!(shared_memory.checkpoints.len(), 1);
418        assert_eq!(shared_memory.last_checkpoint, 0);
419        assert_eq!(shared_memory.len(), 32);
421        shared_memory.free_context();
422        assert_eq!(shared_memory.buffer.len(), 0);
423        assert_eq!(shared_memory.checkpoints.len(), 0);
424        assert_eq!(shared_memory.last_checkpoint, 0);
425        assert_eq!(shared_memory.len(), 0);
426    }
428    #[test]
429    fn resize() {
430        let mut shared_memory = SharedMemory::new();
431        shared_memory.new_context();
433        shared_memory.resize(32);
434        assert_eq!(shared_memory.buffer.len(), 32);
435        assert_eq!(shared_memory.len(), 32);
436        assert_eq!(shared_memory.buffer.get(0..32), Some(&[0_u8; 32] as &[u8]));
438        shared_memory.new_context();
439        shared_memory.resize(96);
440        assert_eq!(shared_memory.buffer.len(), 128);
441        assert_eq!(shared_memory.len(), 96);
442        assert_eq!(
443            shared_memory.buffer.get(32..128),
444            Some(&[0_u8; 96] as &[u8])
445        );
447        shared_memory.free_context();
448        shared_memory.resize(64);
449        assert_eq!(shared_memory.buffer.len(), 64);
450        assert_eq!(shared_memory.len(), 64);
451        assert_eq!(shared_memory.buffer.get(0..64), Some(&[0_u8; 64] as &[u8]));
452    }