The Module

The module in this Rust EVM implementation defines a crucial trait Host. The Host trait outlines an interface for the interaction of the EVM interpreter with its environment (or "host"), encompassing essential operations such as account and storage access, creating logs, and invoking transactions.

The Evm struct implements this Host trait.

Trait Methods

  • env: This method provides access to the EVM environment, including information about the current block and transaction.

  • load_account: Retrieves information about a given Ethereum account.

  • block_hash: Retrieves the block hash for a given block number.

  • balance, code, code_hash, sload: These methods retrieve specific information (balance, code, code hash, and specific storage value) for a given Ethereum account.

  • sstore: This method sets the value of a specific storage slot in a given Ethereum account.

  • log: Creates a log entry with the specified address, topics, and data. Log entries are used by smart contracts to emit events.

  • selfdestruct: Marks an Ethereum account to be self-destructed, transferring its funds to a target account.

The Host trait provides a standard interface that any host environment for the EVM must implement. This abstraction allows the EVM code to interact with the state of the Ethereum network in a generic way, thereby enhancing modularity and interoperability. Different implementations of the Host trait can be used to simulate different environments for testing or for connecting to different Ethereum-like networks.