Rust Ethereum Virtual Machine (revm)

The evm crate is focused on the implementation of Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) including call loop and host implementation, database handling, state journaling and powerful logic handlers that can be overwritten. This crate pulls Primitives, Interpreter and Precompiles together to deliver the rust evm.

The starting point for reading the documentation is Evm, that is main structure of EVM. Then, you can read about the EvmBuilder that is used to create the Evm and modify it. After, you can read about the Handler that is used to modify the logic of the Evm, and it will tie with how Evm introspection can be done. Finally, you can read about the Inspector, a legacy interface for inspecting execution that is now repurposed as a handler register example.


  • evm: This is main module that executes EVM calls.
  • builder: This module builds the Evm, sets database, handlers and other parameters. Here is where we set handlers for specific fork or external state for inspection.
  • db: This module includes structures and functions for database interaction. It is a glue between EVM and database. It transforms or aggregates the EVM changes.
  • inspector: This module introduces the Inspector trait and its implementations for observing the EVM execution. This was the main way to inspect EVM execution before the Builder and Handlers were introduced. It is still enabled through the Builder.
  • journaled_state: This module manages the state of the EVM and implements a journaling system to handle changes and reverts.

Re-exported Modules:

  • revm_precompile: Crate that provides precompiled contracts used in the EVM implementation.
  • revm_interpreter: Crate that provides execution engine for EVM opcodes.
  • revm_interpreter::primitives: This module from the revm_interpreter crate provides primitive types and other functionality used in the EVM implementation.

Re-exported Types:

  • Database, DatabaseCommit, InMemoryDB: These types from the db module are re-exported for handling the database operations.
  • EVM: The EVM struct from the evm module is re-exported, serving as the main interface to the EVM implementation.
  • EvmContext: The EvmContext struct from the context module is re-exported, providing data structures to encapsulate EVM execution data.
  • JournalEntry, JournaledState: These types from the journaled_state module are re-exported, providing the journaling system for the EVM state.
  • inspectors, Inspector: The Inspector trait and its implementations from the inspector module are re-exported for observing the EVM execution.