
Manages the EVM's state, including account balances, contract storage, and more.

This module models an Ethereum account and its state, which includes balance, nonce, code, storage, and status flags. The module also includes methods for interacting with the account's state.

The Account struct includes fields for info (of type AccountInfo), storage (a HashMap mapping a U256 value to a StorageSlot), and status (of type AccountStatus). AccountInfo represents the basic information about an Ethereum account, including its balance (balance), nonce (nonce), code (code), and a hash of its code (code_hash).

The AccountStatus is a set of bitflags, representing the state of the account. The flags include Loaded, Created, SelfDestructed, Touched, and LoadedAsNotExisting. The different methods provided within the Account struct allow for manipulating these statuses.

The StorageSlot struct represents a storage slot in the Ethereum Virtual Machine. It holds an original_value and a present_value and includes methods for creating a new slot and checking if the slot's value has been modified.

Two HashMap type aliases are created: State and Storage. State maps from a Address address to an Account and Storage maps from a U256 key to a StorageSlot.

The module includes a series of methods implemented for Account to manipulate and query the account's status. These include methods like mark_selfdestruct, unmark_selfdestruct, is_selfdestructed, mark_touch, unmark_touch, is_touched, mark_created, is_newly_created, is_empty, and new_not_existing.