
At the core of this module is the ExecutionResult enum, which describes the possible outcomes of an EVM execution: Success, Revert, and Halt. Success represents a successful transaction execution, and it holds important information such as the reason for success (an Eval enum), the gas used, the gas refunded, a vector of logs (Vec<Log>), and the output of the execution. This aligns with the stipulation in EIP-658 that introduces a status code in the receipt of a transaction, indicating whether the top-level call was successful or failed.

Revert represents a transaction that was reverted by the REVERT opcode without spending all of its gas. It stores the gas used and the output. Halt represents a transaction that was reverted for various reasons and consumed all its gas. It stores the reason for halting (a Halt enum) and the gas used.

The ExecutionResult enum provides several methods to extract important data from an execution result, such as is_success(), logs(), output(), into_output(), into_logs(), and gas_used(). These methods facilitate accessing key details of a transaction execution.

The EVMError and InvalidTransaction enums handle different kinds of errors that can occur in an EVM, including database errors, errors specific to the transaction itself, and errors that occur due to issues with gas, among others.

The Output enum handles different kinds of outputs of an EVM execution, including Call and Create. This is where the output data from a successful execution or a reverted transaction is stored.